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1830 Axis-by-axis positional deviation limit at servo-off time
[Data type] 2-word axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
This parameter is used to set a positional deviation limit at servo-off
time, on an axis-by-axis basis.
If the value specified with this parameter is exceeded at servo-off time,
a servo alarm (No.410) is issued to cause an immediate stop (same as
an emergency stop). Usually, set the same value as a positional
deviation at stop time (parameter No.1829).
When this parameter is set to 0, no positional
deviation limit check is made at servo-off time.
1836 Servo error amount where reference position return is possible
[Data type] Byte axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] 0 to 127
This parameter sets a servo error used to enable reference position
return in manual reference position return.
In general, set this parameter to 0. (When 0 is set, 128 is assumed as
the default.)
When bit 0 (PLC01) of parameter No.2000 is set to
1, a value ten times greater than the value set in
this parameter is used to make the check.
When the value 10 is set in this parameter, and bit
0 (PLC01) of parameter No.2000 is set to 1,
1850 Grid shift and reference position shift for each axis
When this parameter has been set, the power must
be turned off before operation is continued.
[Data type] 2-word axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] (1) 0 to 99999999 (for reference shift position)
(2) Reference counter size or less (for grid shift)
To shift the reference position, set the amount of grid shift or
reference position shift for each axis. Up to the maximum value
counted by the reference counter can be specified as the grid shift.
In case of parameter SFD (No.1002#2) is 0: Grid shift
In case of parameter SFD (No.1002#2) is 1: Reference shift position