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1 With the T series, when G code system A is used,
neither U, V, nor W can be used as an axis name.
Only when G code system B or C is used, U, V,
and W can be used as axis names.
2 The same axis name cannot be assigned to more
than one axis.
3 When the secondary auxiliary function (option) is
provided, the address used by the secondary
auxiliary function (address B with the T series or,
with the M series, the address specified in
parameter No.3460) cannot be used as an axis
4 With the T series, when address C or A is used for
chamfering, corner rounding, or direct drawing
dimension programming (when the CCR parameter
(bit 4 of parameter No.3405) is set to 1), addresses
C or A cannot be used as an axis name.
5 Only with the T series, address E can be used as
an axis name. Address E cannot be used with the
M series. When address E is used as an axis
name, note the following:
- When G code system A is used, address E is
always assigned to an absolute command.
- When an equal-lead threading command (G32) is
issued in the FS10/11 command format, address
E cannot be used to specify the thread lead. Use
address F to specify the thread lead.
1022 Setting of each axis in the basic coordinate system
When this parameter is set, power must be turned
off before operation is continued.
[Data type] Byte axis
To determine the following planes used for circular interpolation,
cutter compensation C (for the M series), tool nose radius
compensation (for the T series), etc., each control axis is set to one of
the basic three axes X, Y, and Z, or an axis parallel to the X, Y, or Z
G17: Plane Xp-Yp
G18: Plane Zp-Xp
G19: Plane Yp-Zp
Only one axis can be set for each of the three basic axes X, Y, and Z,
but two or more parallel axes can be set.
Set value Meaning
0 Neither the basic three axes nor a parallel axis
1 X axis of the basic three axes