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Allowable number of pulses that can be accumulated during manual handle
[Data type] 2-Word
[Unit of data] Pulses
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
If manual handle feed is specified such that the rapid traverse rate will
be exceeded momentarily, those pulses received from the manual
pulse generator that exceed the rapid traverse rate are accumulated
rather than canceled.
This parameter sets the maximum number of pulses which can be
accumulated in such a case.
If the specification of manual handle feed is such
that the rapid traverse rate will be exceeded, for
example, when the manual pulse generator is
rotated at high speed with a large magnification
such as 100, the axial feedrate is clamped at the
rapid traverse rate and those pulses received from
the manual pulse generator that exceed the rapid
traverse rate are ignored. In such a case,
therefore, the scale on the manual pulse generator
may differ from the actual amount of travel. If such
a difference is not acceptable, this parameter can
be set to temporarily accumulate the excess pulses
in the CNC, rather than ignoring them, up to the
specified maximum (pulses in excess of the set
maximum are ignored). The accumulated pulses
are output and converted to a move command
once the feedrate falls below the rapid traverse rate
by reducing the rotational speed of the manual
pulse generator or stopping its rotation altogether.
Note, however, that if the maximum number of
pulses to be accumulated is too large, stopping the
rotation of the manual pulse generator does not
stop feeding until the tool moves by an amount
corresponding to the pulses accumulated in the