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[Data type] Bit
AUX The least increment of the command of the second miscellaneous
function specified with a decimal point
0 : Assumed to be 0.001
1 : Depending on the input increment. (For input in mm, 0.001 is
assumed, or for input in inches, 0.0001 is assumed.)
DWL The dwell time (G04) is:
0 : Always dwell per second.
1 : Dwell per second in the feed per minute mode, or dwell per
rotation in the feed per rotation mode.
PPS The passing-point signal output function is:
0 : Not used
1 : Used
CCR Addresses used for chamfering and corner rounding
0 : Address used for chamfering and corner rounding is "I" or "K",
not "C". In direct drawing dimension programming, addresses
",C", ",R", and ",A" (with comma) are used in stead of "C", "R",
and "A".
1 : Addresses used for chamfering, corner rounding, and direct
drawing dimension programming are "C", "R", and "A" without
comma. Thus, addresses A and C cannot be used as the names of
DDP Angle commands by direct drawing dimension programming
0 : Normal specification
1 : A supplementary angle is given.
QLG When the passing-point signal output function is used, the remaining
distance to be traveled specified in address ",Q" is:
0 : The combined distance of all axes
1 : The distance of the longest axis
This parameter is valid when bit 7 (QAB) of
parameter No.3405 = 0.
QAB When the passing-point signal output function is used, address ",Q"
0 : Remaining distance to be traveled
1 : Coordinate value of the longest axis