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1 An input/output device can also be selected using the setting screen. Usually, the
setting screen is used.
2 The specifications (such as the baud rate and the number of stop bits) of the
input/output devices to be connected must be set in the corresponding parameters
for each interface beforehand. (See Section 4.2.) I/O CHANNEL = 0 and I/O
CHANNEL = 1 represent input/output devices connected to RS-232-C serial port 1.
Separate parameters for the baud rate, stop bits, and other specifications are
provided for each channel.
Mother board
RS-232-C serial port 1
RS-232-C serial port 2
Serial communication board
DNC2 board
(Channel 1)
(Channel 2)
(Channel 3)
RS-232-C I/O device
RS-232-C I/O device
RS-232-C I/O device
(when a DNC2 board is used)
R232-1 (JD36A)
R232-2 (JD36B)
R232-3 (JD28A)
R422-1 (JD6A)
3 The input/output unit interface may be referred to as the reader/punch interface.
RS-232-C serial port 1 and RS-232-C serial port 2 are also referred to as channel 1
and channel 2, respectively.
0021 Setting of the output device in the foreground
0022 Setting of the input device in the background
0023 Setting of the output device in the background
Setting entry is acceptable.
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 0 to 2, 5, 10
These parameters are valid only when bit 0 (IO4) of parameter
No. 110 is set to control the I/O channels separately.
The parameters set individual input/output devices if the I/O
channels are divided into these four types: input and output in the
foreground and input and output in the background. The input device
in the foreground is set in parameter No. 20. For the details of the
settings, see the table provided with the description of parameter No.