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Threshold for scale data conversion (for each axis)
[Data type] 2-word axis
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS-A IS-B IS-C Unit
Rotation axis 0.01 0.001 0.0001 deg
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
If scale data is greater than the setting of this parameter, data for one
turn is subtracted from the scale data so that continuous scale data is
obtained within the movable range. The threshold to be set must be
the scale data of a position outside the movable range (an angle from a
discontinuous point). For axes for which this parameter is set to 0, the
parameter common to all axes (parameter No. 1867) becomes valid.
1 When this parameter has been set, the power must
be turned off before operation is continued.
2 This parameter is valid only for axes for which bit 3
(SCR) of parameter No. 1817 is set to 1.
3 When you have changed this parameter, establish
the reference position again.
1874 Number of the conversion coefficient for inductosyn position detection
1875 Denominator of the conversion coefficient for inductosyn position detection
When this parameter has been set, the power must
be turned off before operation is continued.
[Data type] Word axis
[Valid data range] 1 to 32767
Set a conversion coefficient for inductosyn position detection for each
axis. The value set is determined as follows:
No. 1874 Number of position feedback pulses per motor revolution
No. 1875
1876 One-pitch interval of the inductosyn
When this parameter has been set, the power must
be turned off before operation is continued.
[Data type] Word axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] 1 to 32767
Set a one-pitch interval of the inductosyn for each axis.