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6033 M code that validates a custom macro interrupt
6034 M code that invalidates a custom macro interrupt
[Data type] 2-word
[Valid data range] 0 to 255
These parameters set the custom macro interrupt valid/invalid M
These parameters can be used when MPR, #4 of
parameter No.6003, is 1. M96 is used as a valid M
code and M97 is used as an invalid M code when
MPR is 0, irrespective of the state of this
6050 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9010
6051 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9011
6052 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9012
6053 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9013
6054 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9014
6055 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9015
6056 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9016
6057 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9017
6058 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9018
6059 G code that calls the custom macro of program number 9019
[Data type] Word
[Valid data range] 1 to 9999
These parameters set the G codes that call the custom macros of
program numbers 9010 through 9019.
Setting value 0 is invalid. No custom macro can be
called by G00.