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6930 Maximum operation range of the first position switch
6931 Maximum operation range of the second position switch
6932 Maximum operation range of the third position switch
6933 Maximum operation range of the fourth position switch
6934 Maximum operation range of the fifth position switch
6935 Maximum operation range of the sixth position switch
6936 Maximum operation range of the seventh position switch
6937 Maximum operation range of the eighth position switch
6938 Maximum operation range of the ninth position switch
6939 Maximum operation range of the tenth position switch
6940 Maximum operation range of the eleventh position switch
6941 Maximum operation range of the twelveth position switch
6942 Maximum operation range of the thirteenth position switch
6943 Maximum operation range of the fourteenth position switch
6944 Maximum operation range of the fifteenth position switch
6945 Maximum operation range of the sixteenth position switch
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data]
Input increment IS-A IS-B IS-C Unit
Metric machine 0.01 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch machine 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 inch
Rotation axis 0.01 0.001 0.0001 deg
[Valid data range] -99999999 to 99999999
These parameters sequentially set the maximum operation ranges of
the 1st through 16th position switches.