- 157 -
3151 Number of the axis for which the 1st load meter for the servo motor is used
3152 Number of the axis for which the 2nd load meter for the servo motor is used
3153 Number of the axis for which the 3rd load meter for the servo motor is used
3154 Number of the axis for which the 4th load meter for servo motor is used
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 0, 1, . . . , the number of control axes
Set the numbers of the axes for which measurement values on the load
meters for the four servo motors are displayed. Set the parameters to 0
for those axes for which a load meter need not be displayed.
3163 Time required to smooth the spindle load meter readings
[Data type] Byte
[Unit of data] 32 ms
[Valid data range] 0 to 32
When the spindle load meter reading is displayed (see the description
of the SLM parameter (bit 6 of parameter No.3108)), smoothing can
be applied to the spindle load meter reading to prevent flickering.
This parameter sets the time width for smoothing.
Setting Time for smoothing (msec)
0 256
1 32
2 64
3 96
: :
32 1024
Each smoothing operation is performed for a time width of between
32 ms and 1024 ms.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
When this parameter is set, the power must be
turned off before operation is continued.
[Data type] Bit
POL Display in Polish is:
0 : Not performed.
1 : Performed.
HUN Display in Hungarian is:
0 : Not performed.
1 : Performed.
SWE Display in Swedish is:
0 : Not performed.
1 : Performed.
CZE Display in Czech is: