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DIT Interlock for each axis direction
0 : Enabled
1 : Disabled
DAU If bit 3 (DIT) of parameter No. 3003 is set to 0, the interlock signal of
each axial direction is:
0 : Enabled only in manual operation and disabled in automatic
1 : Enabled in both manual operation and automatic operation.
DEC Deceleration signal (*DEC1 to *DEC4) for reference position return
0 : Deceleration is applied when the signal is 0.
1 : Deceleration is applied when the signal is 1.
MVX The axis-in-movement signal is set to 0 when:
0 : Distribution for the axis is completed. (The signal is set to 0 in
1 : Deceleration of the axis is terminated, and the current position is
in the in-position.
If, however, a parameter specifies not to make in-position during
deceleration, the signal turns to "0" at the end of deceleration.
MVG While drawing using the dynamic graphics function (with no machine
movement), the axis-in-movement signal is:
0 : Output
1 : Not output
In case of M series the signal is not output.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
[Data type] Bit
BSL The block start interlock signal *BSL and cutting block start interlock
signal *CSL are:
0 : Disabled.
1 : Enabled.
BCY When more than one operation is performed by one block command
such as a canned cycle, the block start interlock signal *BSL is:
0 : Checked only at the beginning of the first cycle.
1 : Checked at the beginning of every cycle.
This is enabled when the BSL parameter (bit 0 of
parameter No.3004) is set to 1.
OTH The overtravel limit signal is:
0 : Checked
1 : Not checked
For safety, usually set 0 to check the overtravel
limit signal.