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1895 Servo motor axis number used for a milling tool
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 1, 2, 3, ..., number of controlled axes
This parameter sets the servo motor axis number used for displaying
the speed of a milling tool that incorporates a servo motor.
1896 Number of gear teeth on the servo motor axis side
[Data type] Word
[Valid data range] 1 to 9999
This parameter sets the number of servo motor axis gear teeth used for
displaying the speed of a milling tool that incorporates a servo motor.
1897 Number of gear teeth on the milling axis side
[Data type] Word
[Valid data range] 1 to 9999
This parameter sets the number of milling axis gear teeth used for
displaying the speed of a milling tool that incorporates a servo motor.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
1901 RFD
[Data type] Bit
RFD In jog feed mode, the fine acceleration/deceleration function and
feed-forward function are:
0 : Disabled.
1 : Enabled.
1 The axis operating under PMC axis control are not
affected by this parameter. For such an axis, the
settings for PMC axis control are followed. To
enable the fine acceleration/deceleration function
and feed-forward function in PMC axis control,
advanced preview control for the PMC-controlled
axis must be enabled. (See the descriptions of bit 3
(G8C) of parameter No. 8004 and bit 4 (G8R) of
parameter No. 8004.)
2 Note that when the abnormal load detection
function for cutting and rapid traverse is used,
setting this parameter changes the threshold value
(0: Threshold value for rapid traverse,
1: Threshold value for cutting feed).