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1 When the remaining life (use duration) of a
selected tool reaches the value specified in this
parameter, tool life arrival notice signal TLCHB is
output to the PMC. The tool life management
function allows the user to specify a tool life either
as a use duration or use count for each tool group.
For a group whose life is specified as a use count,
parameter No.6844 is used. For a group whose life
is specified as a use time, this parameter is used.
2 If a value greater than the life of a tool is specified
with parameter No.6845, the tool life arrival notice
signal TLCHB is not output.
Number of remaining tools in a group
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 0 to 127
This parameter sets the number of remaining tools in a group.
If the number of remaining tools in the currently used group is equal
to or smaller than the number set in this parameter, signal TLAL
<F154#0> is output. If this parameter is set to 0, the signal is not