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SBM Custom macro statement
0: Not stop the single block
1: Stops the single block
If you want to disable the single blocks in custom macro statements
using system variable #3003, set this parameter to 0. If this parameter
is set to 1, the single blocks in custom macro statements cannot be
disabled using system variable #3003. To control single blocks in
custom macro statements using system variable #3003, use bit 7
(SBV) of parameter No. 6000.
1 This bit is invalid when bit 0 (NOP) of parameter
No. 3404 is set to 1. (M series)
2 When the block look-ahead operation is enabled, a
block look-ahead operation is performed also in
single block operation, so macro statements are
executed when they are read by the look-ahead
3 In cutter offset C mode, an intersection on the path
resulting from offsetting is calculated. So, a block
look-ahead operation is performed also in single
block operation. To stop a macro statement in
single block mode, cancel cutter offset C mode in
SBV Custom macro statement
0 : Not stop the single block
1 : Stops the single block
To control single blocks in custom macro statements using system
variable #3003, use this parameter to enable or disable single blocks in
custom macro statements.
This bit is valid when bit 5 (SBM) of parameter No. 6000 is set to 0.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
[Data type] Bit
MIF The system variable numbers of custom macro interface signals are:
0 : Not expanded.
1 : Expanded.
PRT Reading zero when data is output using a DPRINT command
0 : Outputs a space
1 : Outputs no data
PV5 Custom macro common variables:
0 : Nos. 500 to 599 are output.
1 : Nos. 100 to 199 and Nos. 500 to 599 are output.
CRO ISO code in BPRWT or DPRNT command
0 : Outputs only LF after data is output
1 : Outputs LF and CR after data is output
TCS Subprogram
0 : Not called using a T code